full mouth implant burton

All-On-4 Implants refer to what?

Exceptionally Authentic Appearance: Boasting the closest resemblance in both look and feel to natural teeth.

Enduring Solution: Unlike dentures, it resides permanently within the mouth, eliminating the need for removal.

Swift Recovery: Minimal downtime before enjoying the benefits of your dental implants.

Uncovered Palate: Ensures the roof of your mouth remains free from coverage.

Superior Chewing Performance: Outshining other alternatives in restoring full arches or complete sets of teeth in terms of chewing efficiency.

Tailored for Limited Bone Availability: Particularly suitable for individuals advised of insufficient bone for standard implants.

Elevated Food Enjoyment: Elevates the pleasure of tasting food by avoiding palate obstruction.

Explanation of the Process


Am I eligible for consideration?

Cost of All-On-4 Procedure

Our pricing in the area is unbeatable, resulting in exceptional outcomes. This is achievable due to the supervision of our experienced dentist and the expertise of our highly skilled dental lab technician. Collaboratively, they have successfully conducted this procedure numerous times.

At Burton Family Dental, we offer comprehensive dental care to help you maintain optimal oral health. Our experienced dentist and in-house lab technician work together to achieve the smile you've always dreamed of. Unlike other dental practices that use acrylic denture teeth on titanium bars, we use zirconia for its exceptional aesthetics, durability, and stain resistance. While upgrading to these high-quality materials can be costly elsewhere, at Burton Family Dental, it is included in our standard package.


Starting as low as: $350/mo

Single Arch

Upper or Lower
Upgrade to a zirconia final bridge is available at an optional cost of $7,000 per arch.


Starting as low as: $700/mo

Single Arch

Full Mouth
Upgrade to a zirconia final bridge is available at an optional cost of $7,000 per arch.

Financing and Payment Options are currently available

Investing in dental implants can greatly enhance your overall well-being. By offering the flexibility to split the cost into monthly payments, these life-changing services become more affordable and convenient for your financial circumstances. Through our partnerships with multiple financing providers, we can provide payment plans that can cover either the full or a portion of the expenses for your dental implant procedure.

Financing and Payment Options are currently available

Investing in dental implants can significantly improve your overall well-being. Our flexible monthly payment options make these transformative services more affordable and convenient for your financial situation. With our partnerships with various financing providers, we can offer payment plans that cover either the entire cost or a portion of your dental implant procedure expenses.

FAQs are common Q&As.

The timeline for the All-On-4 procedure is as follows:

The procedure typically takes 4-6 hours, depending on whether you are treating one arch (upper or lower) or both arches (full mouth). After leaving our office, your temporary bridge(s) will be securely attached to your new implants. These temporary bridges will be worn for 4 months to allow for the implants to integrate with your bone and for your jaws and gums to heal. This healing time ensures the best fit for your final bridges. Once the healing is complete, we will begin creating your final bridge(s). This process will involve several appointments over a 5-6 week period, during which you will have the opportunity to customize the appearance of your permanent teeth.


Mouth Impressions

The lab uses specific materials to make your temporary implant bridge(s). If you have multiple missing teeth in the treated area, the doctor may suggest a wax try-in. This means creating a wax model of your temporary implant bridge to check bite alignment, aesthetics, and other aspects.



The process includes extracting any teeth if needed and subsequently inserting implants. Additionally, temporary implant bridges will be installed. Typically, the procedure takes approximately 4 to 7 hours.


Post Op #1

Please ensure to monitor the healing progress after the procedure and don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have.


Post Op #2

During the appointment scheduled 3 weeks after the procedure, the sutures will be taken out and the progress of healing will be assessed. Generally, at this point, the patient will receive approval to begin using a water flosser or WaterPik.


Final Teeth Impressions

After 4 months of the procedure


Try In

After taking impressions, we will present you with a mock-up of your final teeth within 5-10 days. In some instances, multiple wax try-ins may be necessary. It is important for us to guarantee your satisfaction with the wax try-ins before moving forward with the final production. Once the fabrication process is finished, it will not be possible to make any alterations to the bridge(s). If you choose to make adjustments to your bridge(s) after approving and fabricating them, a full-cost remake charge will be applied.


Seat Final Teeth

Once you have approved the wax try-in(s), it typically takes approximately 4-6 weeks to prepare your bridge or bridges for seating.

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